
There are many ways to serve at Riverside, in Southwest DC, and beyond! We believe that following the teachings of Jesus calls us to the work of loving-kindness, charitable giving, and justice and advocacy-based projects. We are not merely called to give of ourselves and our resources; we are called to ask the hard questions about inequity so that all may be truly liberated.


Open 2nd Sundays from 11:30AM-12:30PM. Coffee provided. All are welcome. 

Sign Up to Volunteer 

Donation Requests
*For canned items, pop tops are preferrable
Canned Tuna
Canned Sardines
Canned Chicken
Dried or Canned Beans
Nut butters
Nuts and Seeds (no trail mix or combination bags due to allergies)
Commercial Jerky
Granola and Protein Bars
Cold Cuts (only bring the day of. We have limited storage)

If you have questions, email  If you or someone you know is in need of immediate assistance, please reach out and we will do our best to meet the need or direct people to other services.

Not Sure Where to Serve? Want to share your time and talents at Riverside DC? Want to Partner with Us on an Outreach Project?

The work of justice requires collaboration. We need your help to serve God's beloved community. 

Partner with Us