The Installation of Reverend Mia M. McClain

The Installation of Reverend Mia M. McClain

January 7, 2023 10:00 am

Room: Sanctuary, Multipurpose Room

Join us as we install or new Senior Pastor, The Reverend Mia M. McClain. This program will be full of esteemed speakers, celebratory music, and sacred moments that will honor the union of pastor and people. A Reception will follow.

JANUARY 7, 2023 | 10 AM (in-person and online)

Rev. Lisa L. Thompson, PhD, preaching | Associate Professor and the Cornelius Vanderbilt Chair of Black Homiletics and Liturgics

Rev. Michael A. Walrond Jr., pastoral charge | Senior Pastor of First Corinthian Baptist Church, Harlem, NYC

Rev. LaKeesha N. Walrond, PhD, installation intercessor| President of New York Theological Seminary

Minister Joshuah Brian Campbell, guest vocalist | Director of Music and Arts at the Wake Forest School of Divinity and Director of the University Gospel Choir; Critics Choice, Golden Globe, and Oscar nominee

Rev. Dwight Webster, PhD | Senior Pastor of Beth Eden Baptist Church, Oakland, CA

Pastor Danielle Murphy | The Dream Center Church of Atlanta

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