April 3, 2023 12:00 am
April 3, 2023
Holy Week is upon us! There are many ways for you to plug in. Email pastor@riversidedc.org for inquiries about how to join the prayer call, bible study, or attend the services.
Daily Morning Prayer | April 3-7 | 7AM
Dial: 701.779.9841
Wednesday Zoom Study | April 5 | 7PM
Maundy Thursday | April 6 | 6:30PM
St. Augustine's Episcopal Church
555 Water Street, SW
Washington, DC 20024
Rev. Mia will be leading the music in St. Augustine's annual Maundy Thursday service.
Good Friday | April 7 | 12PM
Union Temple Baptist Church
1225 W St SE, Washington, DC 20020
In-Person and Virtual
Rev. Mia, preaching (6th Word)
Good Friday | April 7 | 3PM
Luther Rice Memorial Baptist Church
Virtual Only
Rev. Mia, preaching (1st Word)
Min. Jonathan J. Holley, singing