October 29, 2023 11:30 am
October 29, 2023
Room: Bob Nelson Multipurpose Room
Contact: Moderator C. Lawson
Join us for a Fall Servanthood Meeting on October 29, 2023, immediately following worship service. Lunch will be provided. All are welcome. Even if you aren't a voting member, you are invited to attend, listen, and ask questions.
Rev. Mia McClain will give a review of where we’ve been, an assessment of our challenges, and a proposal for our possibilities. As many of you know, we are wrapping up our consulting project with Ministry Architects. They were hired in April to help us asses our Facility Usage protocols and reimagine our staffing structure based on our evolving needs. Rev. Mia will give a presentation of their findings and suggestions for our church, and she will present her proposals for how we might move forward in this season of evolution.
Other business to be conducted as needed by the moderator.