March 6, 2024 7:00 pm
March 6, 2024
Room: Zoom
Contact: Mia McClain | Email | 2025544330
Journey with us this March as we journey toward the cross with Jesus. No preparation or homework! Come as you are!
Lent is an ancient church practice of preparation for the passion and resurrection of Jesus celebrated in Holy Week and Easter. Lent comes from the word lencten, meaning “lengthen” and refers to the lengthening days of spring. The forty days represent the time Jesus spent in the wilderness, enduring temptation, and preparing to begin his ministry. In the early church, Lent began as a period of fasting and preparation for baptism. Later on, it became a time of penance by all Christians. Somewhere along the way, Lent shifted from pondering our mortality to
penance—a voluntary self-punishment inflicted as an outward expression of repentance for having done wrong. It shifted from a season of deepening prayer to a season of shame and self-punishment.
Today, many who take the Lenten journey focus on deepening their relationship with
God, often choosing to give up something as a sacrificial offering.
In this bible study, we will focus on a scripture every week leading up to Holy Week. Bring you general questions about and other Christian traditions.
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