March at Riverside
03.06.25 | Articles | by Mia McClain
About Rev. Amanda Hendler-Voss
The Rev. Amanda Hendler-Voss serves as the Senior Minister at First Congregational United Church of Christ (UCC) in Washington, DC as the first female senior minister in the church’s more than 150-year history. As a Woodruff scholar at Candler School of Theology at Emory University in Atlanta, Amanda earned her Master of Divinity in 2005 with certificates in Black Church Studies and Church and Community programs. In 2009, Amanda co-founded the thriving community of Land of the Sky United Church of Christ in Asheville, NC, where she served as Co-Pastor for eight years in an intentional, power-sharing model. Her vocation as a pastor is shaped by Amanda’s particular calling to racial justice. In August of 2017, she engaged in sacred activism in Charlottesville where she served as an on-call chaplain to those impacted by the tragic violence of white supremacy. Amanda is a certified trainer in the national UCC’s Sacred Conversations to End Racism and serves on the Advisory Team for “Join the Movement,” a national network to forward the movement for racial justice within the United Church of Christ. She lives in northern Virginia with her spouse, Seth; two children, Myles (18) and Simon (12); and Ginger the dog.
About Rev. Danielle Dufoe
has spent the last 20 years helping vulnerable populations live longer, healthier, lives. Her work is deeply rooted in her faith that affirms the love of God for all people.
She is a consummate advocate for all who are marginalized and oppressed. As a Black transgender woman, Rev. Dufoe has a particular sensitivity for those harmed by the weaponization of gender. She sees the work of justice and mercy, as the work of every Christian. Her guiding light may be found in Micah 6:8:
…to love mercy, and to walk humbly with God.
A preacher, teacher, and dedicated abolitionist, Danielle Dufoe is a native of Camden New Jersey. Her current work is to assist and restore homeless youth in Atlantic City, NJ. She is a life-long learner. Above her many academic achievements, she is most proud to be an alumna of Howard University School of Divinity.Today Rev. Dufoe makes her home in picturesque Cape May, New Jersey. She is the mother of Maestro Dufoe
Join us for our Lenten Hard Questions Series What Is Sin? Sin might be the most misunderstood yet overused word and concept in our lexicon. Join Rev. Mia as she leads us in an unraveling bible study about it. In-Person and Online.
Register Here: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZErceiuqDgiHNAL1J18locix4HUkNOH7Biu
We are excited host the 2025 Annual Gathering of the Alliance of Baptists, March 28-30!
Learn more about it here: https://allianceofbaptists.org/ag25
Speakers and Preachers
The Rev. Wil Gafney, PhD
Christena Cleveland, Ph.D
Rev. Dr. Gabby Cudjoe Wilkes
Rev. Dr. Leah Grundset Davis
Rev. Danielle Dufoe
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