State of the Church and the World
10.12.23 | Articles | by Mia McClain
Dear community, there is a lot happening in the world. My goal is to curate space for education so that we can be informed advocates in the struggle for liberation and peace. For resources regarding the ongoing deadly conflict in Palestine and Israel, see links below:
Listen. Learn. Lean into Peace. - Middle Church
Home - Churches for Middle East Peace (cmep.org)
The Israel-Palestine conflict: a brief, simple history - YouTube
What's Worship Got To Do With It?
A Note from a community member regarding What's Worship Got To Do With It? Series:
"I've been tuning into services at Riverside since then and have caught at least part of your series. I have a small weekly virtual [mental health] group.... "Looking for some type of tomorrow... Barely holding on to today" really resonated with folks, as it did with me, and I keep going back to Sunday's service. There is something so honest about "This is the world we live in... why do we do this thing." Seems to me we do it--in whatever way we can--because that's all we've got; the only hope that we have. Whatever the various denominations we move in and out of."
It was a meaningful experience to walk us through this series. While I had hoped to end the series with cheer and glee, I had to lean into the truth of what so many are experiencing. Sometimes, the "Good News" doesn't feel like good news. Yet, what this community member and I discovered in our virtual interaction is that the good news might not reside in answers or in a moment of celebration at the end of a sermon; the good news might be in the gathering; it might be in the reality that people are talking about hope and hanging on and making discoveries and holding another in their uncertainty. Perhaps, that is what this thing is all about.
You may re-watch the series here: Sermons - YouTube
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On October 15th, we'll begin our State of the Church Preaching and Teaching Series.
Join us as we lean into our call to be the Church -- the beloved community -- a movement for life and liberation -- in these uncertain times.
October 15
10 AM | Rev. Elijah Zehyoue, PhD preaching
11:30 AM | Sermon Talk Back with Dr. Zehyoue in the Nelson Multipurpose Room
More Info Here
October 22
10 AM | Rev. Barbara Breland, preaching
More Info Here
October 29
10 AM | Pastor Mia McClain, preaching
11:30 AM | State of the Church Address (Servanthood Meeting) in the Nelson Multipurpose Room
More Info Here