Summer at Riverside Flashbacks

    08.20.24 | Articles | by Mia McClain

    Summer 2024 has been one for the books!

    From Marching in the Capitol Pride Parade with our sister churches (Union Temple Baptist Church and Calvary Baptist Church) to our SW Back to School Community Fest with our neighborhood churches (St. Augustine's Episcopal, St. Dominic Catholic Church, and Christ United Methodist), SUMMER HAS BEEN FRUITFUL! See some pictures below.

    Above: Members of Riverside Baptist, Calvary Baptist, and Union Temple Baptist Churches marching in the 2024 Capitol Pride Parade

    Above: Book Launch of Rev. Khristi Lauren Adam's (R) Womanish Theology.

    Above: Riverside DC members take a nature walk!

    Above: Riverside DC Protein Pantry Team

    Above: Author Karmen Michael Smith talks about his book Holy Queer. 

    Above: Riverside DC at brunch!

    Above: Rev. Mia (L) with members of St. Augustine's Episcopal Church at the 2024 Back to School Community Fest.

    Above: Minister Kim (ministry intern) teaches us about Food and Faith.

    Above: Riverside DC and Westminister Presbyterian members at Moral Mondays.

    Above and Below: Back to School Community Fest

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