This Is Who We Are.
12.11.24 | Articles | by Mia McClain
We are kicking off Campaign 2025:
This Is Who We Are
We are beginning again.
We are committing to being LOUD about who we are.
Because life and liberation are on the line.
Join us as we share our mission and vision with the world.
Our Mission: to embody and empower revolutionary discipleship that transforms the conditions of our living together.
Our Vision: We aim to co-create a spiritual haven rooted in the teachings of Jesus where creative exploration, radical education, and justice imagination come together for the sake of liberation.
From free yoga classes to our monthly protein pantry to dynamic spiritual formation courses, from health, wellness, arts, and advocacy events to diverse worship experiences -- we endeavor to find and make freedom together with the teachings of Jesus as our centering tool.
Join our campaign.
You may do so by:
1. Downloading and sharing our 'This Is Who We Are' campaign graphics on social media
2. Taking a picture with our campaign materials on our campus and sharing
3. Partnering with us in the work of sharing our mission and vision with local community members via emailing, posting flyers, and as in-person ambassadors
4. Simply following the teachings of Jesus, in word and in deed
Join our inaugural spiritual formation course of 2025 to learn more about our mission and vision, and to begin or continue crafting your own personal mission and vision.
Email Rev. Mia M. McClain at for more information.