Transgender Day of Visibility 2023
03.30.23 | Articles | by Mia McClain
Each year on March 31, the world observes Transgender Day of Visibility (TDOV) to raise awareness about transgender people. It is a day to celebrate the lives and contributions of trans people, while also drawing attention to the poverty, discrimination, and violence the community faces. Read More at https://www.glaad.org/tdov.
This week, someone taped a piece of hate mail to our church window. In the careless and crinkled note that was blatantly attacking transgender folks, the person accused us of not being on the side of God.
Let me be very clear,
We stand on the side of holy inclusivity.
We stand on the side of people living their fullest, healthiest, & most authentic lives.
We stand on the side of the God of love and liberation -- a God who won't be boxed in --
A God who is bigger, wider, and deeper than our human minds can grasp --
A God who made us in their image.
Nothing and no one can separate us from the love of God, and hate will not be tolerated here."
May our witness leave no doubt that Riverside Baptist Church DC stands with our transgender and nonbinary neighbors near and far. We are keeping faith with and advocating for the transgender, nonbinary and gender queer members of our community.
Reverend Mia M. McClain, Senior Pastor