Winter by the Riverside: Advent, Christmas, and More!
11.12.24 | Articles | by Mia McClain
Join the young and young-ish adults of the Riverside DC community at the Anacostia Playhouse on November 23rd! Our 2024 Summer Ministry Fellow, Leah Burgess, hosts The Artist Sanctuary: A Celebration of Creative Liberation
Step into a realm where creativity knows no bounds, where the ordinary is transformed into the extraordinary. We invite you to join us on November 23, 2024, at 7:00 PM for an unforgettable evening at The Artist Sanctuary—an open mic experience that transcends performance, inviting you on a journey of healing, self-discovery, and artistic expression.
This will be an opportunity to get to know one another and participate in creative liberation.You may purchase tickets at https://anacostiaplayhouse.com/events_c/artist-sanctuary/ or sign up for a church-sponsored ticket .
Join us as we honor National Native American Heritage Month! Reverend Mia M. McClain will serve as our liturgist, and we will hear a word from our guest preacher, Reverend Michael Vanacore.
About Rev. Michael
Rev. Michael is an ordained minister in the United Church of Christ (UCC). He graduated from Union Theological Seminary in the City of New York (where he was classmates with Rev. Mia McClain) as a recipient of the Auburn Seminary Maxwell Fellowship for Promise of Excellence in Parish Ministry. He joins Pilgrim UCC after serving churches in New York City.
Prior to becoming a pastor, Rev. Michael served as an Organizer with the Service Employees International Union (SEIU). He has participated for years in movements for immigrant, worker, and racial justice, and he believes fervently that the Church must both embody and struggle to realize the Kingdom of God. A descendent of Chinese and Italian immigrants, he preaches and leads worship fluently in English and Spanish and specializes in multilingual and multiethnic ministry.
Our Protein Pantry will be open for a special Thanksgiving giveaway!
Donate the following items: Cheese, Mac-n-Cheese boxes, Canned Greens, Canned and Fresh Sweet Potatoes/Yams, Pies, Canned Beans, Boxes of Pasta, Sliced Turkey, Canned Cranberry Sauce, Other Proteins.
Volunteers Needed: Email for more information.
Join us after worship on December 1st as we decorate our campus! We will hang ornaments on our 12 ft Christmas Tree, hang lights in the windows, and place garland in our doorways.
Cookies, Cider, and Community provided!
Join us at the Gay Men's Chorus of Washington, DC Annual Holiday Show on December 7th at 3pm, featuring one of our youth! The annual holiday extravaganza returns as GMCW celebrate holidays around the world. This year’s edition includes eclectic songs with exciting rhythms and beautiful harmonies, and featuring our high-kicking, bedazzled 17th Street Dance as well as our small ensembles and the GenOUT Youth Chorus! Songs include “See Amid the Winter’s Snow,” “Feliz Navidad,” “Love is Christmas,” and “Silent Night.”
Lincoln Theatre
1215 U Street NW, Washington, DC
We are giving away 3 free tickets. First come, first served. Email
Buy Your Tickets Here: The Holiday Show – Gay Men's Chorus Of Washington, DC
'Tis the season! We invite you to the annual Riverside Christmas Concert featuring the Riverside Choir and Musicians, under the musical direction of Lauren White and band direction of Ashlei Peoples. This is music-packed service with scripture and readings interwoven throughout. There will be a mixture of carols, anthems, pop music, and more! Following the service, we invite you to a reception in the Nelson Multipurpose Room.